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Does Your Company Buy Pay-Per-Click Ads on Google, Bing, or Yahoo?

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Question: Does Your Company Buy Pay-Per-Click Ads on Google, Bing, or Yahoo?
Top Answer (74% of 1844 votes): No.

Answer: No
Explanation: Not yet.
UNI Development Projects Llc
Answer: No
Explanation: We have the same pay per lead service with Angi leads
Brickies Masonry Company
Answer: No
Explanation: Not any more.
Logo Hammer
Answer: No
Explanation: Our service offering is too narrow, there isn't a great category for us to define and then advertise for on their platforms.
Bunderson Finishing
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: Not
Him & Her Salon and Day Spa
Answer: No
Explanation: Again, no.
The AdLab
Answer: No
Explanation: Sharratt Design & Company does not currently buy pay-per-click ads.
Sharratt Design
Answer: No
Explanation: It is a good way for some. But it is a cost that a business has to pass on to their customers. Usually at a higher rate than expected.
Charlie's Chimney Cleaning & Covers
Answer: No
Explanation: I will never pay for this
Surface Pros Staining and Coating
Answer: No
Explanation: Nope
Customized granite an repair
Answer: No
Explanation: No
Elite Cleaning and Home Solutions
Answer: No
Explanation: I've tried that, and it didn't pay.
Stone County Services
Answer: No
Explanation: We have in the past purchased pay-per-click ads on Google, but we have not used that method in awhile.
Sarah Webb Interiors
Answer: No
Explanation: No
Carpet Maxx
Answer: No
Explanation: No
Capristo concrete
Answer: No
Explanation: No too expensive.
Peaches N Clean
Answer: No
Hot Shots Pro Wash
Answer: No
Explanation: Not yet
Fortify, LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: No
Jarlin Cabinetry
Answer: No
Explanation: No we are currently not doing any online advertising.
S&S Handyman Services LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: No
RT painting
Answer: Yes
Explanation: We use Google Ads.
Organize My Clutter
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Google.
Bravo Lima Bravo
Answer: No
Explanation: We haven’t in many years now
Preston Hollow Fence Company
Answer: No
Explanation: Not yet. Don't know if we will
Trey&J's Done Right Services / Landscape
Answer: Yes
Explanation: That was done did not end very well.
AET Group Global
Answer: Yes
Explanation: We do advertising on Google
Snow and Waste Valet LLC.
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Only in Google right now. We aim to get the word out to our service offerings.
Red Flag Home Inspection
Answer: No
Explanation: No
Thirsty Root
Answer: No
Explanation: We would consider it if we can afford it and it helps us stay busy with work.
JMB Home Remedy
Answer: Yes
Explanation: We only use paid ads to market solar eclipse viewing glasses when the path is over the USA.
Tropical Sails Corp
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Top Notch Cleaning Residential & Commercial Cleaning Service, LLC
Top notch cleaning residential & commercial service LLC.
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: We have not bought pay-per-click ads to this point.
Solid Rock Inspectors, LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Yes we do. Express Damage Restoration (859) 302-2702
Property Damage Solutions LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: Not interested
Sommer Roofing LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: Not yet.
TSB Handyman Service & Repair LLC.
Answer: No
Explanation: Have not had a need to.
Finbus Group, LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: I don't need click bait
West Side Builder
Answer: No
Explanation: No
The HomeFixrr
Answer: No
Explanation: Not sure how to.
Vivid Designs Detailed Painting and Renovations
Answer: Yes
Explanation: We research and learn about each company that we promote.
Pittsburgh SEO Services
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Yes we use google ads.
Red Horse Home Inspection LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: No we do not do that
All Points Property Inspectors, Inc
Answer: Yes
Explanation: We spend most of our advertising budget on Google PPC.
Junk Platoon
Answer: No
Explanation: I have not tried this.
Functional Home OT
Answer: No
Explanation: No, we do not.
Rapid Rodent Removal
Answer: No
Explanation: are services we use we pay for a year and on some services per lead
C&C Construction Services
Answer: No
Explanation: I tried pay per click which was a waste of money.
Clearview Home Inspections Eccl.9:10
Answer: Yes
Explanation: I have done a couple of PPC campaigns in the past.
Exceptional Living Coach, LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Sometimes we use these services
Relentless Roofing & Construction
Answer: No
Explanation: Pay per click ads are good in season but are not as lucrative with so many other competitors doing the same thing.
Aperture Contracting Services LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: customer quality again
MLBergerson's, 1A-Design
Answer: No
Explanation: Not necessary.
Chesterfield Painters
Answer: No
Explanation: We use to buy leads but they are too expensive
Barlow Cleaning
Answer: Yes
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Google Adwords Bing Yahoo
Main Source 365 Tech
Answer: Yes
Explanation: I use Google
Down & Dirty Residential and Office Cleaning
Answer: No
Explanation: Haven't gotten to that point yet.
Anderson Power Washing & Exterior Maintenance
Answer: Yes
Explanation: We are trying out a Pay-Per-Click Ad campaign on Google
Answer: No
Explanation: Never have
Apex Automation
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Yes we do contextual marketing on these sites
TJB-INC Landscape & Drainage Contractor
Answer: No
Explanation: Never did
G&j contruccion
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Our marketing partner makes these decisisons
Community Tire Pros & Auto Repair
Answer: No
Explanation: No.
Authorized Progressive Insurance Agent/Russell G. Lewis
Answer: No
Explanation: No advertising is deemed necessary.
MCB Engineering Cosulting, LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: Has become too expensive fr the return
Magic Touch Carpet Cleaning of Tampa
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Google
Safe Heaven Janitorial & Maintenance Services
Answer: No
Explanation: Have in the past. Wasted money!
AML Digger Services, Inc.
Answer: No
Explanation: Not yet, but will be using Pay-Per click on Google.
Fitness Recon
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Occasional on Google, and bing
Legends Handyman Service
Answer: No
Explanation: We don't participate
Bozzz Pool Service
Answer: Yes
Explanation: We use Google ad words
Attic Ninja
Answer: No
Explanation: Not at this time
Bright & Beautiful Cleaning
Answer: No
Explanation: Another avenue we have not ventured into.
Concrete Conceptz
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Google, bing and Facebook
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