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Does Your Company Buy Pay-Per-Click Ads on Google, Bing, or Yahoo?

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Question: Does Your Company Buy Pay-Per-Click Ads on Google, Bing, or Yahoo?
Top Answer (74% of 1721 votes): No.

Answer: Yes
Explanation: Another great way to reach potential clients
Answer: No
Explanation: It is a good way for some. But it is a cost that a business has to pass on to their customers. Usually at a higher rate than expected.
Charlie's Chimney Cleaning & Covers
Answer: No
Explanation: Nope
Customized granite an repair
Answer: No
Explanation: I've tried that, and it didn't pay.
Stone County Services
Answer: Yes
Explanation: We do buy pay per click services on google and bing as we would like to compare marketing strategies for changes that help organic searches.
Beacon Hill Glass
Answer: No
Explanation: We have in the past purchased pay-per-click ads on Google, but we have not used that method in awhile.
Sarah Webb Interiors
Answer: No
Explanation: No
Capristo concrete
Answer: No
Explanation: No way
Paint choice llc
Answer: No
Explanation: No too expensive.
Peaches N Clean
Answer: No
Explanation: Not yet
Fortify, LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: To much money for that sey
joes Pro Services
Answer: No
Explanation: No
Jarlin Cabinetry
Answer: No
Explanation: No
RT painting
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Unfortunately it's a must.
J Dog Junk Removal and Hauling
Answer: Yes
Explanation: We use Google Ads.
Organize My Clutter
Answer: No
Explanation: We haven’t in many years now
Preston Hollow Fence Company
Answer: No
Explanation: Too pricey.
DPressure Wash, LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: Not yet. Don't know if we will
Trey&J's Done Right Services / Landscape
Answer: Yes
Explanation: We do advertising on Google
Snow and Waste Valet LLC.
Answer: No
Explanation: No
Mcmillen Brokers LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Only in Google right now. We aim to get the word out to our service offerings.
Red Flag Home Inspection
Answer: No
Explanation: We would consider it if we can afford it and it helps us stay busy with work.
JMB Home Remedy
Answer: No
Explanation: We are marketing consultants for Off-Market Commercial opportunities nationwide.
Answer: Yes
Explanation: We only use paid ads to market solar eclipse viewing glasses when the path is over the USA.
Tropical Sails Corp
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: We have not bought pay-per-click ads to this point.
Solid Rock Inspectors, LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Google & Yelp generate more leads than any one company can handle.
Imperial Tile & Stone Inc
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Yes we do. Express Damage Restoration (859) 302-2702
Property Damage Solutions LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: Not yet.
TSB Handyman Service & Repair LLC.
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: No we don’t buy pay per clicks
Life Mentor Andre
Answer: No
Explanation: Have not had a need to.
Finbus Group, LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: No
The HomeFixrr
Answer: No
Explanation: We do not buy pay for clicks for ads.
Certified Home Inspection & Insulation Services LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: Not sure how to.
Vivid Designs Detailed Painting and Drywall
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Yes we use google ads.
Red Horse Home Inspection LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: Again, this is not something we have ever spent money on. We may in the future, in the interest of business expansion, but right now, we don't feel it is necessary.
Firefighter Home Inspections®
Answer: No
Explanation: No we do not do that
All Points Property Inspectors, Inc
Answer: No
Explanation: I have not tried this.
Functional Home OT
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Very crucial to website traffic.
Kountry Kuts Landscaping
Answer: No
Explanation: No, we do not.
Rapid Rodent Removal
Answer: No
Explanation: I tried pay per click which was a waste of money.
Clearview Home Inspections Eccl.9:10
Answer: Yes
Explanation: When a large storm is going to hit our area.
Champion Adjustment Co., LLC
Answer: Yes
Explanation: I have done a couple of PPC campaigns in the past.
Exceptional Living Coach, LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: Pay per click ads are good in season but are not as lucrative with so many other competitors doing the same thing.
Aperture Contracting Services LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: I'm not familar with that type of advertising.
Integrity Cleaning Service
Answer: No
Explanation: customer quality again
MLBergerson's, 1A-Design
Answer: No
Explanation: We use to buy leads but they are too expensive
Barlow Cleaning
Answer: Yes
Explanation: going to start trying to
Pescatore Mechanical Contractors
Answer: Yes
Answer: Yes
Explanation: I use Google
Down & Dirty Residential and Office Cleaning
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Poor results though.
Wraps by Nish
Answer: No
Explanation: Haven't gotten to that point yet.
Anderson Power Washing & Exterior Maintenance
Answer: No
Explanation: Never have
Apex Automation
Answer: Yes
Explanation: We have purchased PPC Ads on Google.
I Do Information Technology
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Yes we do contextual marketing on these sites
TJB-INC Landscape & Drainage Contractor
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Our marketing partner makes these decisisons
Community Tire Pros & Auto Repair
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Sometimes we do
Altek Restoration Services
Answer: No
Explanation: No.
Authorized Progressive Insurance Agent/Russell G. Lewis
Answer: No
Explanation: Has become too expensive fr the return
Magic Touch Carpet Cleaning of Tampa
Answer: No
Explanation: We have not bought this kind of advertising as of yet, but will possibly consider it. We are trying other sources first.
Taras Coastal Interiors
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Google
Safe Heaven Janitorial & Maintenance Services
Answer: No
Explanation: Not yet, but will be using Pay-Per click on Google.
Fitness Recon
Answer: Not sure
Explanation: American Home Tech gets a lot of referral business from a great experience.
American Home Tech
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Occasional on Google, and bing
Legends Handyman Service
Answer: Yes
Explanation: We use Google ad words
Attic Ninja
Answer: No
Explanation: Not able to see the ROI or track it
EV Partner, LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: Not at this time
Bright & Beautiful Cleaning
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Google, bing and Facebook
Your Cleaning Service
Answer: No
Explanation: This is not effective for an Insurance Agent.
Answer: No
Explanation: Happy with my current form of lead getting.
stereo doctor
Answer: Yes
Explanation: Google guaranteed.
Exclusive Window Cleaning
Answer: No
Explanation: not going to do it
united services llc
Answer: No
Explanation: I dont buy pay per click.
Chuck's Remodeling
Answer: No
Explanation: Small company, we have not delved into this yet.
Tiberius Home & Lawn Services LLC
Answer: No
Explanation: Not in the budget
Dallas Windows and Gutters
Answer: No
Explanation: Pay per click is a popular ad source, but we prefer to rank organically
Integrity Roofing Services
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